Welcome to the First Latin American WFNR Congress on Neurorehabilitation

The World Federation for Neurorehabilitation (WFNR) is organizing an important event in the field of neuroplasticity and neurorehabilitation, which will take place on May 7-9, 2025 in Brasilia, Brazil. It will count on the participation of renowned speakers from five continents who will present their research on the various topics related to neuroplasticity and neurorehabilitation. The Congress will promote interdisciplinary exchanges aimed at deepening knowledge and awareness, improving best practices, and increasing growth across the interdisciplinary range of neuro-affiliated practitioners, students, and researchers. Participants will include neurologists, neuropsychologists, neuroscientists, neuropediatricians, orthopedic surgeons neurosurgeons, physiatrists, pediatricians, speech pathologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, nurses, nutritionists, educators, music therapists, pharmacologists, social workers, and other professionals interested in neurorehabilitation in Latin America and the world.

This is a rare opportunity to learn directly from some of the best minds in neurorehabilitation today, and to interact with a wide range of professionals working together to improve treatment and conditions for individuals recovering from the gamut of brain injury-related pathologies.

We invite everyone to submit their work and share their research and experience with the global community. Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, awaits you with its architectonic and natural wonders!

Lúcia Willadino Braga, PhD

Conference President

Volker Hoemberg, MD, Prof.

WFNR President

Confirmed speakers

Scientific Program

08h00 – 17h00 Registration Desk Open

Registration is open

Category Early Registration
Sold Out
Standard Registration
January 07, 2025 - March 20, 2025
Late Registration
From March 21th
Non-Member US$ 280 US$ 320 US$ 380
Member of WFNR, SSNN, AMN, EFNR US$ 200 US$ 240 US$ 280
Student US$ 160 US$ 180 US$ 200
Early Registration
Sold Out
Non-Member US$ 280
Member of WFNR, SSNN, AMN, EFNR US$ 200
Student US$ 160

Standard Registration
January 07, 2025 - March 20, 2025
Non-Member US$ 320
Member of WFNR, SSNN, AMN, EFNR US$ 240
Student US$ 180

Late Registration
From March 21th
Non-Member US$ 380
Member of WFNR, SSNN, AMN, EFNR US$ 280
Student US$ 200
Registration fees include congress materials, access to sessions, coffee breaks, and lunches.

Gala Dinner: Join us at the closing of the congress for this festive gathering for speakers and attendees.
Date: May 9, 2025 (Friday) – Time: 7:00 PM – Location: SARAH Lago Norte.
Cost: US$ 70 (Payment for Gala Dinner can be made during the congress).

Payment: PayPal.

Register Here

Abstract submission

Deadline: February 16, 2025

Submit your abstract

Rules for submitting your abstract and terms of evaluations by Scientific Committee

Your abstract must pertain to at least one of the 26 topics listed below:
  1. Clinical Applications of Advanced Technologies
  2. Dementia
  3. Communication Disorders and Neurorehabilitation
  4. Neuropathic Pain
  5. Multiple Sclerosis and Demyelinating Disorders
  6. Brain Imaging
  7. Brain-Computer Interfaces
  8. Brain Injury
  9. Spinal Cord Injury
  10. Peripheral Nerves
  11. Neuropharmacology
  12. Neurophysiology and Neurorehabilitation
  13. Peripheral Neuropathy
  14. Neuroplasticity
  15. Autonomic Neurorehabilitation
  16. Family and/or Community-based Neurorehabilitation
  17. Cognitive Neurorehabilitation
  18. Neurorehabilitation in acute brain injury
  19. Pediatric Neurorehabilitation
  20. Cerebral Palsy
  21. Neurosurgical, Reconstructive and Restorative Rehabilitation
  22. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
  23. Stroke Rehabilitation
  24. Orthopedic Rehabilitation
  25. Rehabilitation for Movement Disorders
  26. Cognitive Reserve

Submission and evaluation
  1. Submission of abstracts is only permitted by corresponding authors who are registered for the Congress. Co-authors who register for the congress cannot resubmit work that’s already been accepted;
  2. All abstract-related communication will be sent to the corresponding author listed on the submission;
  3. Please review your abstract carefully before submitting it;
  4. You will receive an automatic email once your abstract has been successfully submitted. If you do not receive a confirmation, please check your spam folder. If it is not there, contact us by clicking the “Contact us at Congress” button to report the problem;
  5. When submitting your abstract, be sure to verify that its subject matter pertains to at least one of the 26 topic areas listed on the submission page. Please note that the Scientific Committee reserves the right to change the topic area under which you made your submission, if deemed appropriate;
  6. The Scientific Committee will review all abstracts, which will be graded from zero to 10.0 by at least two members of the Committee. Selection will be determined by the final point averages, which are based on following criteria: topic pertinence, originality and relevance; methodology; coherence of study objective; relevance of result analyses; quality of writing and textual organization;
  7. All accepted abstracts will be presented in paper/oral or poster format, a determined by the final score of each submission. The main author may indicate preferred presentation format (paper/oral presentation or poster). However, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to make the final determination regarding format;
  8. The highest rated abstracts will be selected for oral presentation. This information will appear in the approval email;
  9. Each primary author can submit up to two abstracts, with no limits on how many submissions they can participate in as co-authors. Each abstract can have up to 8 (eight) authors max;
  10. Abstracts must not exceed 300 words. They can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, and must be structured [introduction, material and method(s), results, discussion and conclusion(s)]. No tables, figures or graphs are allowed in the abstracts. However, these may be used for the paper/oral or poster presentations at the Congress;
  11. If submitting a case report, the Committee will consider only common cases that have atypical evolution or are very rare and of great clinical or scientific relevance. Case reports that consist only of a narrative review of literature will be rejected;
  12. No abstracts with results shared across more than one submission will be accepted;
  13. Abstracts not submitted in the appropriate format will be automatically excluded;
  14. Poster sessions will be given a time slot and location for display. This information will appear in the approval email;
  15. By submitting an abstract, the authors are responsible for complying with the legislative and ethical standards that govern research with human beings and animals in the respective country/countries where the study is developed, including prior approval from any requisite research ethics committees;
  16. All accepted abstracts must be presented by the corresponding author at the Congress. If the corresponding author is unable to present, then a co-author registered for the congress can present in their stead;
  17. Only 1 (one) digital certificate will be issued per paper/poster, which will list the authors in the order they appear on the submission;
  18. All congress annals, certificates, printed or digital materials, etc. will contain abstract information as it appears on the submission. No changes can be made to the title or content once the abstract has been submitted. All information provided is the sole responsibility of the corresponding author. Names incorrectly spelled or included cannot be altered and will appear in the official program and certificate as they are listed in the submission. It is the author’s responsibility to verify all information upon submission.

Event Location

SARAH Brasília-Center Hospital:

Hotel Accommodations

Below are hotels located in downtown Brasilia, very close to the congress venue. These hotels have been vetted by the Network for their location and quality.

Click on the hotel links for room rates, discount codes (exclusively for registered participants to reserve their accommodations directly with the hotel), and payment/cancellation terms. Space is limited. We suggest you reserve your hotel rooms as soon as possible. If you prefer, you can use a third party site to book your accommodations elsewhere. The Congress is not associated with any of the hotels listed here, and, as such, is exempt from any responsibility pertaining to a hotel’s accommodations, services, availability, or cancellation policies.

About Brasilia

Welcome to Brasilia

Brasilia, conceived as the new capital of Brazil, was constructed in the 1960s. With an urban plan by Lúcio Costa and buildings and monuments designed by Oscar Niemeyer, this unique city became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Situated in the central plateau region of the country, Brasília is nestled within the cerrado biome, which is characterized by grasslands, savannahs, and dry forests. Its surrounding environs are dotted with valleys, waterfalls and stunning panoramas distinct to this part of Brazil.

The city and its surroundings



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